Qin Dingfang’s brain whirled around thinking about perfunctory excuses, and then he had a sad face with tears in his eyes. "Uncle really blamed me when Lin Yi came back with hope. We all recognized that he was poisoned by my aunt, but I saw his eyes suddenly open … I, I, he didn’t wake up even if Toya was not dead. As a result, Wu Gu was killed by his sudden attack on me … My nephew has been very guilty … I hurt Wu Gu, it’s me …"

Category: 夜网

Li Yuanqing’s wedding is coming soon, and he also needs some fresh faces in Changsheng Island House.

For Yang Jiao ~ Niang this discussion Li Yuanqing did not refuse. Of course, Li…

However, before they got angry, they saw that Emperor Gou Chen suddenly got up from the throne and walked out.

At that time, they also did not get angry. Have stopped the Great Chen from…

He is sensitive to what is wrong and has always been happy with him.

I've been ordering the sneak guard to disappear! He is also an ordinary eunuch without…

The cold pounced on the crowd and immediately the body surface froze.

They all showed their spiritual source equipment to protect their bodies. This cold surge spread…

There are Razer and Gou Chen watching them outside. Once they show up to meet them, the two emperors will join hands to kill them.

The two emperors joined forces to fight against the wild, but this man is not…

Adakang was happy and felt very glad.

After seeing the divine punishment, imperial royal scientists developed a variety of strategies, which should…


"Destroy the sword," "Shocking the sword," the sword body rendered a silver flash like a…